Incredible! Time passes by so fast. Your receipt and contract app is available for free on Google Play Store and Apple App Store since one month. We had a busy month. Let us give you a brief summary of what has happened since the product launch on October 17th.
Thumbify was born on October 17th. We went live! Together we celebrated this awesome event on Facebook. Shortly after that, we found the first bug, yuck!
On October 19th we delivered the first update and fixed the bug.
Two days after the update Thumbify made the first acquaintances on Instagram. Here we share impressions shown in photos about Thumbify. So just have a look at Instagram.
Since the October 21st Thumbify is also on YouTube. In the future we will provide even more video clips explaining the features of Thumbify. So check out our channel.
Shortly before midnight, we celebrated our first 100 likes on Facebook on October 22nd. That’s like wow! It’s fun and so empowering to have the support of such a great community.
On October 23rd we wrote our first weekly review and gave you an insight into the next version.
Thumbify reached the magical number of 300 Facebook subscribers on November 10th just one day before the fools ushered in the new carnival session. Alaaf and Helau!
Not that you think we are constantly celebrating 😉 Some hours have come together again which we put into the new version. But it was worth the effort. Our internal tests have been completed and you will receive the update in the next few days on your smartphones and tablets. At this point, we would also like to say thank you again, to the many likes and kind feedbacks. You’re great!