What is the best structure and order if you can’t find what you are looking for because of the mass of data. Thumbify manages your digital documents and helps you access them quickly and easily at any time. Thumbify finds what you’re looking for.
Order is half the battle
We’ve added new features to the search and sort function so that you won’t lose your way even with large amounts of data.
The search function offers you the possibility to search not only the name of your documents. You can also search by document number or amount.
Thumbify offers a powerful sorting function in the current version. Here you can display your documents in ascending or descending order according to criteria such as date of creation, amount, document number, name or due date. In addition, you have the possibility to limit and display the sorting of all documents of different types or a selected selection of document types.
Also new is the timeline function. All documents with the same creation date are grouped and listed in a clear timeline.
Free for Android and iOS
Download Thumbify on your Android or iOS smartphone and tablet. Let’s start paperless into the future.