The topic of security of one’s own data has generally become one of the most popular topics on the Internet in recent years. Absolutely understandable, because who wants to see his data in the access of unauthorized persons? Thumbify deals extensively with this topic and continuously advances the development of security-related measures.
How does Thumbify back up my data?
Your data is encrypted over SSL connections on dedicated servers in a database. This procedure also takes place in online banking and offers a high level of protection of personal data.
Who has access to my data?
In order to gain access to stored data, all users must authorize themselves. This authorization takes place at the user level as well as at the object level. Thus, Thumbify ensures that only you have access to your data via the app.
How does Thumbify protect my data due to loss business task?
Thumbify is a limited liability company, which ensures the operation of Thumbify. In addition, Thumbify offers you the export of your data in PDF format. A generic export interface, for example to supply an accounting system, is currently being planned.
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